Making accurate ADC readings on the Arduino

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There are many sensors out there which output a voltage as a function of the supply voltage as their sensed value. Temperature sensors, light sensors, all sorts.

Measuring that voltage, and converting it in to real figures for whatever is being sensed is not actually as simple as you might at first think.

There are many examples on the internet for converting an ADC value into a voltage, but basically it boils down to:

  • Divide the ADC value by the ADC maximum value
  • Multiply by the supply voltage

And that sounds simple enough, doesn’t it?

unsigned int ADCValue;
double Voltage;

ADCValue = analogRead(0);
Voltage = (ADCValue / 1024.0) * 5.0;

Surely that looks OK, yes? You’ve got your Arduino plugged into the USB, which is supposedly 5 volts – after all, all the examples on the web just say 5v.


What you have there is a rough approximation. Nothing more.

If you want to make ACCURATE readings you have to know exactly what your supply voltage is.

Measuring the 5V connection on my Arduino while plugged in to the USB is actually reading 5.12V. That makes a big difference to the results of the conversion from ADC to voltage value. And it fluctuates. Sometimes it’s 5.12V, sometimes it’s 5.14V. so, you really need to know the supply voltage at the time you are doing your ADC reading.

Sounds tricky, yes?


However, if you have a known precise voltage you can measure using the ADC, then it is possible to calculate what your supply voltage is. Fortunately, some of the AVR chips used on Arduinos have just such a voltage available, and can be measured with the ADC. Any Arduino based on the 328 or 168 chips has this facility.

I came across this nice piece of code on the TinkerIt site. It measures this 1.1V reference voltage, and uses the resultant ADV value to work out what the supply voltage must be.

long readVcc() {
  long result;
  // Read 1.1V reference against AVcc
  ADMUX = _BV(REFS0) | _BV(MUX3) | _BV(MUX2) | _BV(MUX1);
  delay(2); // Wait for Vref to settle
  ADCSRA |= _BV(ADSC); // Convert
  while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA,ADSC));
  result = ADCL;
  result |= ADCH<<8;
  result = 1125300L / result; // Back-calculate AVcc in mV
  return result;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  Serial.println( readVcc(), DEC );

Very nice. very elegant. And, more importantly, very useful.

So now, using that, your ADC code could now look like this:

unsigned int ADCValue;
double Voltage;
double Vcc;

Vcc = readVcc()/1000.0;
ADCValue = analogRead(0);
Voltage = (ADCValue / 1024.0) * Vcc;

And it will be a whole lot more accurate.

Addendum on calibration and accuracy

The internal band-gap, while nominally 1.1V can actually be anywhere between 1V and 1.2V. If you want super-accurate readings you may need to adjust the value 1125200 to a more accurate value to represent your band-gap.  That value is calculated as the band-gap voltage (in mV) multiplied by 1023. You can do the opposite of the above system and manually measure your Vcc with a DMM, then use that to measure and calculate the band-gap voltage in your chip. Multiply that voltage by 1000 for mV and then by 1023 to get the ADC division value, and Bob’s your uncle. From then on, whatever your Vcc voltage does, you can get even more accurate ADC results.

30 thoughts on “Making accurate ADC readings on the Arduino

    1. majenko Post author

      Around 5V, yes, though not always precisely. But of course that only has any effect when you are powering it through the barrel jack. Through USB the regulator is not in use, so it could be anywhere from 4.75 to 5.25V.


  1. Norbert

    Great! – Q: for a LED-Display (3 digits) as Digital-Voltmeter – do you purpose to scan “readVcc()” only once in the setup or continuously (1x per loop)?


    1. majenko Post author

      That all depends on what Vcc is. If it’s a reasonably stable source that is unlikely to change, such as USB or an external power supply, then just once, or maybe just “once in a while” is fine. If its a battery, though, where the voltage is likely to decrease over time (batteries have quite a sharp initial decrease, then a gentle slope down, followed by a rapid drop off) then you should check more often. How often really is up to you and depends on just how accurate you want your results. Doing it before every reading will be, of course, the most accurate, but will slow your readings down somewhat. For displaying on an LED display you don’t need to be sampling that fast anyway.


      1. Norbert

        Thanks so much! Your answer helped me out!
        OK, so I understand if the Supply-Voltage changes I have to sample it. In my case I’ll use it for a DIY-Power-Supply (60V/5A), where a separate smaller 5V/1A Aux.-Supply is available. The hole thing is powered from normal 230VAC, so I think the deviation of the 5V-Power for the Arduino would be only small, (caused f.ex. by temperature-fluctuation). So I think to scan it every ~1min. with a “millis()”-counter (-Interrupt) would be in the right bandwidth.


  2. Pingback: Using the ACS712 Current Sensor – Arduino++

      1. majenko Post author

        No. Common misconception there. 1023 is *not* Vref. It is Vref **minus 1 LSB** (***READ THE DATASHEET***). So Vref would actually be 1024 not 1023 (1023 + 1 LSB = 1024).

        Liked by 1 person

      1. mkvirtanen

        Using the above constant 1125300L my vcc was 5.14V as well. Two separate meters told me that it is 4.99 to 5.00 volts. This was, of course, reflected in the A0 voltage measurements which were ~3% wrong as well. Therefore I made change:
        result = 1095720L / result ;
        and now the voltage measured was a bit closer to the truth.


      2. Luis

        I have the arduino nano every and i already copy the code and paste into the arduino IDE and when compile and run the projects return an error message ‘ADMUX’ was not declared in this scope, can you help me?


  3. aida

    Hi, how about phidget interface kit 2/2/2? How to know its accurate ADC reading. Phidget is 10 bit resoultion same with arduino. Can I apply the same method?


  4. bwoo

    This makes no sense. If you want to measure voltages against the 1V1 reference voltage then use:
    But the 1V1 reference isn’t anymore accurate than the 5v rail. I’ve measured voltages of the 1V1 reference as low as 1.04V and the datasheet says it has a tolerance of +/-0.1V so the accuracy can be as bad as +/-10%.


    1. majenko Post author

      You have it all backwards, sorry. We’re not measuring against the internal VREF, we are measuring the internal VREF using Vcc as the reference. From that you work out what the Vcc must have been for the ADC to give the value it did when measuring 1.1V. Oh, and 0.11v (10% of 1.1V) is actually only a 2.2% error when translated up to the 5V we are actually measuring with. It’s only a 10% error when you are measuring things against that 10% error. You may get an inaccuracy of ±22 LSB, not ±102 LSB as you imply.


      1. bwoo

        OK, I got that you’re trying to measure Vcc. What I still don’t get is how you can work out an accurate value for Vcc just by reading the 1v1 against Vcc if the 1v1 isn’t accurate. It seems to me that we have two unknowns (the 1v1 voltage and the Vcc voltage) and only one equation (the ratio of the two given by reading 1V1 against Vcc). How can this give us any conclusion without assuming that the 1V1 is accurate?
        (And sorry for such a delay – I completely forgot about this)


      2. majenko Post author

        That’s just it: we’re assuming that the 1.1v is more accurate – or rather, on the scale of 0-5V it’s more accurate than the 5V is. Imagine a spring – or a “slinky”. Stretch it wide. The whole length (5V) is quite long. One coil of it (1.1V) is very short. Now relax it a little. The length changes a large amount, but the size of one coil only changes a small amount. It’s all relative. Plus we’re not just assuming that it is more accurate, we are assuming it’s more *stable*. It’s less likely to vary over time like the 5V is – and we can use that to our advantage: calibrate it. First off you do everything in reverse. You apply an accurate 5V to VREF and measure the 1.1V reference – then you know just what the 1.1V measures. You can then use that value to calculate what the 5V supply is when you are running your board from a less stable supply (such as batteries). Yes, there are two “unknowns”, but one of them is “less” unknown that the other.


  5. hamid

    i upload this code to my Mega2560
    and it prints some numbers in serial monitor like below



    whats wrong?
    the voltage im measuring is 3.68.


    1. apbosh1

      INTERNAL: an built-in reference, equal to 1.1 volts on the ATmega168 or ATmega328P and 2.56 volts on the ATmega8 (not available on the Arduino Mega)

      A little late but the mega doesn’t have the same 1.1 internal vref.


  6. Yiu Chung Wong

    What should the setup be to use the code in the article? Just connect the Arduino to a power source and run the code?


    1. majenko Post author

      For the first part, yes. For the second, you want “something” attached to A0 (or whatever pin you want to read) that you would be comparing to the real VCC value.


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